Friday, January 31, 2014

Where are you supposed to be?

Currently we have Mayhem, Mayhem 2.0, and Mayhem 3.0 as our clans.  Our clan shield looks like this:
But add 2.0 or 3.0 to the end if you're in the other clans.

I have been getting a few people in the clans asking where they should be, this is where:

Main Mayhem:  Those who have level 4 archers.  We need higher level troops here because we are going against higher level opponenents, and we need all the help we can get.

Mayhem 2.0 and 3.0:  Those who don't have level 4 archers, but are well on they're way.  Mayhem 2.0 and Mayhem 3.0 serve the same purpose, to find who is strong, and wants to progress quickly.  We have friends and family members that want to be part of the family, so have them join any clan, and if you want to be in the same clan, switch to be with them.  Either way works for me!

The main Mayhem will trophy push during the season starting March 17, if you are in the main clan and want to continue farming, we'll have you join the feeders during the push UNLESS you are willing to donate at least 1000 troops per week to help those pushing.


  1. Maybe mayhem 3.0 could be a farming clan of some sort once it gets booming

  2. That's actually my exact plan! In the future, when most of the members of 3.0 and 2.0 are higher levels, I plan on having a constant trophy push in the main Mayhem, and if you need or want to drop to farm, you will go to the two feeders.
