Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How to get Dark Elixer!

This is a question that frequently pops up, and thanks to one of you asking I will post about it!

Getting dark elixer is pretty difficult.  At town hall 7 you don't even have an elixer well, just the storage.  So how do you get it?  What are ways to save up so you can buy your Barbarian King? Well here are some ways that I have found effective for getting some: battle.  That's all you can really do at this point without spending gems (there is always the option to purchase, or use your remaining gems, to fill your dark elixer storage).  When searching for dark elixer, it usually won't be available from normal farming techniques.

What is my battle strategy to save up dark elixer?  Well mine may not be the most effective, but when I need 2-5k dark elixer quickly, I do a different kind of army.  I use an all dragon attack, with healing spells, and hit the next button until I find a great base with 1-2k dark elixer and relatively low defenses. This method is only possible if you have all four of your barracks upgraded to accomodate dragons, if you don't it will take hours between each attack.

Another thing you need to consider, is the placement of your dark elixer storage.  Be sure to protect this as strong or stronger than your town hall.  If someone attacks it and you have 15k inside, they could possibly take almost a thousand, and that could take a long time to save up again.  

Ideas for higher than town hall 7
You want to protect your dark elixer collector very strongly still.  You also want to upgrade your collectors as soon as possible.  I waited at first, because the hourly collection rate wasn't that big of a change, but now I am kicking myself, wishing that I could have upgraded it sooner.  The attack strategy is about the same though, I use all dragon attacks.  At my level, it costs loads of regular elixer, but the places I attack usually have a high amount of both dark and regular elixer, so I don't have such a negative outcome on my regular elixer.  I lose a little, yeah, but it pays off.  A couple of days ago I saved up 5,000 dark elixer in about 8 hours from 2-3 strong attacks.  I was at school and didn't attack much, but I still got all the dark elixer I needed, quickly, to upgrade my hog riders.

One thing many people say for their upgrades, is that they'll just use gems to get the Barbarian King.  Well, he has 40 upgrades to do, and most people don't have that many gems.  So figure out what works best for you and go through with it!

*If you have any ideas on how to raid for dark elixer, share in the comments below!!!

1 comment:

  1. Essa estratégia do dragão gastasse muito elixir e tempo pra cria-los, com isso além de você procurar uma vila com grandes quantidades de elixir negro, também terá que procurar vilas com bastante elixir para não sair muito no prejuízo, tenho usado a estratégia de usar os feitiços de relâmpago e jogar encima do armazém, e tem funcionado, fique na liga Ouro, e procure vilas com centro pra fora ! abraços
