Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Different Successful Town Hall 5 and 6 Layouts

I am going to show you guys a couple of successful town hall layouts that I have seen.

Town Hall 5 Farming
Now, town hall 5 isn't very big, and it won't be a true farming base, but it is close.  Farming at TH5 is very difficult because your troops aren't that huge, and there are less bases to attack that will have a large amount of loot.  But here is the base that I have found to be fairly successful.
This base just got more and more successful as the walls and defenses became upgraded.  Those two spring traps at the bottom we very beneficial in the success of the base.  This was one that I designed and very few people were able to get ALL the available loot.

Generic Town Hall 6 Base
This next base is one of my friend's base MORS.  His base has had a lot of success not only defending his trophies, but also defending his loot.
There are less walls than I would like at TH6, but MORS did a great job of dividing everything, and making sure that everything was covered.  As you can see, the town hall is being upgraded to TH7, MORS made sure that practically everything was upgraded before he started that upgrade.  His air defense will finish before the town hall does, and he will most likely have his walls all upgraded before the town hall finishes too.

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