Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Okay guys, I have figured out when we're going to start our trophy push.  It will be from March 17th to March 30th.

Here's how it's going to work out, with us having 2 clans.  Both clans will have 2 gift cards available for 2 random people who are in the top 10 in the clan (those who have won gift cards for previous pushes won't be entered to win).  Which means, 4 gift cards will be available for everyone!

Mayhem 2.0 this is for you:
I heard from SirRichard, that Mayhem 2.0 wants to do a push now, just to see where they stand.  Great idea!  You should start on Sunday January 26th, and go for 1 week, until the end of the day of February 2nd.  Here's how you do a push:

1) Before the push, you want to save up as much elixer as possible, that way you will be able to make troops without having to worry about running out.  Also, DON'T START ANY MORE DEFENSIVE UPGRADES, you want your defensive buildings to be able to protect you, and not be stuck in an upgrade.  Don't start your barracks upgrades either, those will make a difference in the push.  Lastly, place your town hall in a good, strategic place right in the middle to protect it best.  Refer to previous blog posts on how to do that.

2) During the push, you want to attack places that don't seem too hard.  Attack places that may only give you 5 or 10 trophies.  If needs be, look for town halls that are on the outside of the base, this is called town hall sniping.  I have seen people town hall snipe clear up to crystal 1.  It was very impressive.  Another important thing to consider during the push, is that spells and clan castle reinforcement troops are your friends.  Use the reinforcements, and use your spells, they make a big difference.  

3) When you go to bed, ask for wizards for your reinforcement troops, they provide the best coverage overnight.  Trust me, I have tried many other troops, but wizards are the best night defense.

If you guys have any questions, comment below and I will answer them as quickly as possible!


  1. Smack, I know we let new recruits know about the rules as soon as they join, but it seems like we don't emphasize the troop request enough because I still receive troops I didn't ask for. It's really no big deal, but I figured: if it's such an easy rule, why can't they follow it? Again, it's usually the new recruits. everybody else seems to have understand and abide the rule.

  2. Alright, we'll make it a bigger deal from now on. If you get the troops you don't want, and you know who it is, advise me as soon as possible (or if you're an elder, you can kick those who don't abide the rules) and I'll get the situation figured out asap. Thanks for letting me know!

  3. Owengoody here , a member from mayhem 2.0 , why not put the names of people who have won before :3 it's much easier to understand :D
