Thursday, May 8, 2014

Town Hall 9 Protected, Defensive, Farming, Hybrid.

This base has served me well.  Maybe not as good as I would like, but it has held up to some pretty gnarly defenses.  The only thing that can take it down are hogs.  Anything else just dies on the rim.  Check it out, here is the defensive end.
Here I tried to show my organization again.  I have my mortars in the orange triangle, my x-bows on the blue line, my air defense is in a red square around my town hall, wizard towers are in a purple square, cannons are in a yellow pentagon, and archers towers are in the green hexagon.  Notice how everything is symmetrical.  Everything equally protects everything else around it.  As I stated before, only hogs can take this beast down, then again, hogs can usually take down pretty much anything they want.  I'm going to be doing some research and development on layouts that will protect from hogs and everything else.  I've already got some ideas, but just need to refine them.

On this image, you can see my farming layout.  It's exactly the same, except I have my town hall switched with the laboratory, and I have place hidden teslas around my town hall.  I actually win some battles from lower level troops when they try to attack my town hall.  So I usually don't get attacked big, but it happens sometimes.

Here is a close up on the town hall, just out of reach from that cannon and archer tower, so that people will attack it.

New and Effective Clan War Strategy

This is a strategy as a clan, not as an individual.  It's so simple, it's ridiculous.  When war day starts, you don't attack the highest base you think you can 1-star, you want to attack the highest base you think you can 3-star, even if a dragon or level 5 wizards come marching out of their clan castle.  If you don't 3-star them, you will be close with at least a 2-star.  That will guarantee many stars, and usually get us a win.   Your second attack will be the highest person you think you can 2-star, even with those high level clan castle reinforcements of theirs.  

Using this strategy has won us 5 in a row, and some of them were kinda close (43-32), but we still won.  The next clan we're facing is huge, and I don't know how we'll do.  But if we stick to this strategy we'll do well, even if we don't win, it should be close.