Sunday, April 13, 2014

Clan Wars Procedures

For Mayhem 1.0 (Mayhem 2.0 and 3.0, discuss amongst yourselves, but this sounds like the best plan so far):  We will start the preparation days on Monday and Thursday, and have war days on Tuesday and Friday.

In case you still don't quite get how clan wars work, here's the rundown.  Clan wars last for 2 days.  During the first day (preparation day) you get the chance to donate troops that will be used for defense no matter how many times you get attacked during the war day.  At the end of preparation day, the base that you have built, will be the base that gets attacked.  Make sure that you build a strong base that will hold up against attacks.  When donating troops for war, only donate what's been requested.  If there is less than an hour left, and someone hasn't customized their request on the war map, give them level 4 wizards or higher.

The second day is war day, and you get 2 attacks.  We're going for stars, so if you can get 2 or 3 stars on a base, that's what we need.  If a base already has 2 stars, you don't need to attack it.  Try attacking a base that hasn't been attacked yet, or only has 1 star.  Please attack a base that is close to the same size, or bigger.  Never go lower, because there are usually lower leveled players in our clan that need to attack the enemy's lower level players.

The biggest and most helpful advice for the war is TALK among the other clan members to see what is going on.  Really be active, and help out during those days.  If you aren't active very much, be sure to at least get on to request on Monday and Thursday, and attack twice on Tuesday and Friday.  

There will still be a lot of unanswered questions, if you have any, feel free to comment below and I will try to get them answered as soon as possible.  Clash On!!