Monday, December 30, 2013

Strength in Numbers

Well, I feel Mayhem 2.0 is growing nicely.  We will continue letting people in as they please, and those who are strong, or are improving well, will be able to stay.  Those who are flaky, and don't like to learn, will need to go.

The leader of 2.0 needs to do the following:

  • Make the minimum trophy count 200
  • Make it "Anyone Can Join" until you get to 40 members, then change it to "Invite Only"
    • You do this at 40 members because we don't want this clan completely full, 40 members is a great amount.  However, some people will eventually leave, and being at 40 members will give us a good cushion until those people either leave, or get kicked.
  • Don't kick anyone unless they are swearing, vulgar, or completely disregarding the rules of "don't donate unless you  have what is requested" rule.
  • Text me if you have any questions, or if you don't have my number, email me it at and I will text you so you can have my number.
Keep Clashing Everyone!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Feeder Clan!

Today, we will be creating a feeder clan, with Trenton as the Leader.  This clan will be called Mayhem 2.0!  People that are below a certain level will need to join this clan instead of our regular clan.

Those in Mayhem 2.0 will be:

  • People with less than level 4 archers
  • People under level 45
  • New clan members
  • Farmers below Silver II
  • Any other rules or stipulations that I can think of later
When we trophy push, we will pull some people from Mayhem 2.0 and put them in Mayhem to get better stats.  As we recruit, we may occasionally get people joining Mayhem, that we will send to Mayhem 2.0 until they are large enough for the main clan.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Our Blog/Website

This will be a page where we can keep ourselves updated with what we are doing.  Since we will be in different spaces, we can post and share pictures of how we are doing.