Monday, December 30, 2013

Strength in Numbers

Well, I feel Mayhem 2.0 is growing nicely.  We will continue letting people in as they please, and those who are strong, or are improving well, will be able to stay.  Those who are flaky, and don't like to learn, will need to go.

The leader of 2.0 needs to do the following:

  • Make the minimum trophy count 200
  • Make it "Anyone Can Join" until you get to 40 members, then change it to "Invite Only"
    • You do this at 40 members because we don't want this clan completely full, 40 members is a great amount.  However, some people will eventually leave, and being at 40 members will give us a good cushion until those people either leave, or get kicked.
  • Don't kick anyone unless they are swearing, vulgar, or completely disregarding the rules of "don't donate unless you  have what is requested" rule.
  • Text me if you have any questions, or if you don't have my number, email me it at and I will text you so you can have my number.
Keep Clashing Everyone!


  1. Mayhem was a great clan until the idea of a feeder clan came. If you wanted to get rid of inactive players or weak links, you should have just did your job as a leader and kick them. Your idea of our clan was to grow as a family. Now it seems as if you have some bit of ambition. Ambition is good, but it can blind you of previous ideas which might have been more respectful than conquest. I admired you as a leader, but since I see your new motives (leaving the people you grew with for stronger recruits) i think its time i find a new clan. I'm keeping my identity anonymous.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about that! All I really wanted were two clans, one that I could help people improve, and one for trophy pushing. I plan on going back and forth and having friends in each one. I know that it is impossible to make everyone happy. If you know me well you know that I am a manager for a store, and I know that one size doesn't fit all, and that there is a custom made, unique solution to each problem out there. The feeder has good intentions, and I have good relationships (and frequently text) people in both clans. Sorry if you feel it excludes people. Feel free to ask me in email if you wish to remain anonymous here, if you fee this strongly about it, I can make exceptions to who is in the main clan, I am, after all, the leader :)

  3. Hey Smack. Seems like this would be a great place to post examples of good base layouts for bases from TH 4 on up. Or if not actual layouts, just some basic advice on what makes for a well defended base, what kinds of weaknesses to avoid, what a farming base is & why people leave their TH exposed sometimes, what to look for in a trophy base, etc.

    It's kind of tough to describe than kind of stuff in limited space of a clan chat post...and it disappears fast off the screen. But it would be nice to be able to refer people here for a description. Though it might not be as effective for some of our younger some example screenshots they can follow would be good.

    Just a thought...and something to be done over time, as it could get involved.
